Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blogs they are a' changin'....

My flagrant outer nerd has never been totally satisfied with this blog and its layout. So I've finally decided to get off my duff and do something about it.

Right now I'm tinkering around with a 3 column design and revamping the header and etc etc etc. This will probably change from one day to the next until I finally loose my shit and decide to hire someone who actually knows what the hell-o they're doing.

Basically what you're going to notice the most, besides the every-changing layout, is the fact that I'm missing a lot of posts. Most noticeably anything from January-current and a handful from last fall. These will return (God bless Journler for keep all my blog posts straight, since Blogger seems to suffer from frequent bouts of PMS). Several of these posts had pictures in them, pictures that were saved on a server I no longer use or have access to. I find all the "picture no longer available" spots unsightly so I just pulled them until I re-upload the pictures somewhere else.

I'm also toying with the idea of taking on a second blog (Yes, I know. I do SUCH a good job of updating this one why not add another?)

Shut up.

That's the dealio. Like the sign says, X QQQQ the mess. It'll get better....eventually. Keep checking back or feel free to offer suggestions or toss snide comments my way.

Now playing: Warren Zevon - Mr. Bad Example
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

WW #6



(explanation to follow tomorrow)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

WW #5


(I wish I could sleep this good)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

WW #4

SST 1/20 Snow

SST 1/20 Snow

SST 1/20 Snow

SST 1/20 Snow

SST 1/20 Snow

(His "I know I'm beautiful and that you're lucky to have me, but can we go inside now?" look)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Saved by the slush

Last night, Season 2 of Torchwood debuted in the UK and thanks to the mad skills of a certain torrenter, I was able to watch the first episode "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" before midnight of the 16th. That's service right there people. I'd link you to the BBC official page, but the bastards at the Beeb won't allow non-UK viewers access (there are ways around it, UK proxies, etc, but that's not very efficient for blogging purposes)

Anyhooooo, so enamored was I that I had to watch the episode twice. COMPLETELY ignoring the fact that I had to be a fully functional, responsible adult in the morning while I babysat (sorry, *substituted*) for a 7th grade social studies class. Such is the glamorous life of a newbie freelance writer who must find ways to supplement her income....

Fortunately the universe was kind, some winter weather intervened and school was closed. Which means I can sit and watch it again.

And again.

Not that I'm obsessed or anything. I prefer to think of it as more of a healthy fixation.

(Isn't that what all the nutters say?)

tag: , , , ,

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

WW #3


(See! He IS a retriever! So what if his duck is found in the Easter aisle at Target?)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

WW #2



(He fell rolled off the couch two minutes later.)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wordless Wednesday #1

I'm doing this, I am. Gonna keep it up ALL YEAR LONG.

(or until I have a blonde moment and forget, which ever comes first)

SST photo 1

It's a sickness....

It's official. I need to be tested for dementia if I'm missing weather like this.

But I am.

I really really am.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Of blood, Alan Rickman and nasty pies...

My my my, what better way to kick off a new year than by going to see yet another silver screen adaptation of a Broadway musical? A bloodfest and a musical, what's not to love?

I'm not overly keen on either one of those genres, but never mind that small insignificant detail. I was desperate to see a movie, any movie and preferably one without talking chipmunks (although I'll freely admit that in a weak moment I may see that movie at the $2 theater in a few months) and preferably not one that will make me weepy (Water Horse, PS I Love You). The only movie I've seen in the last 3+ months is The Golden Compass and while I adored that movie (almost as much as the books, I still owe y'all a blog post on that by the way.) and wouldn't mind seeing it again, I wanted to watch something new if I was going to drop $6.25 for two hours of entertainment.

So Sweeney Todd is was.

Brilliant movie, really. I haven't seen anything quite like it before, I know there haven't been that many (any?) bloody musicals but still. Johnny Depp's depth and range as an actor is astounding. Helena Bonham Carter, what can I say, she's just phenomenal to watch. Sacha Baron Cohen was an unexpected delight but Alan Rickman clinched the deal for me. I love this man's work, I could listen to him read a phone book and be intrigued. He's the quintessential creepy old man in Sweeney Todd and when he got his comeuppance, I couldn't resist a little "woo-hoo!" (I didn't do this quietly to myself in a theater packed with people. Of course not, you sillies. This was an emotion that had to be verbalized loud and proud.)

Ultimately this movie isn't for everybody. Yes, the blood, it is excessive. However, this is one cheesed-off barber with ready access to straight razors and a massive chip on his shoulder. Do you *really* think some O-neg wasn't going to be spilled in gratuitous amounts?

I was all set to have a chicken pot pie for dinner, but after Sweeney Todd, the idea of consuming any kind of meat pie makes me woozy. A grilled cheese sandwich seems much more palatable right now..

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