Saturday, August 11, 2007

I'm goin' to Priaseland!!

During my rant about Holy Land, something, somewhere in the deep dark recesses of my mind was screaming for attention. Like I had read about a biblical amusement park (excuse me, living museum ) before, or had seen it parodied or something. This concept of Jesus land wasn't totally foreign to me.

Then, very slowly, images began popping into my mind. Yellow skin, "d'oh!!",, Ned Flanders..

The Simpsons! Of course! I can't remember what I had for dinner last night but I have the vague memory of a tv episode from eons ago. Of course I would.

Thank God there's Google, with it's ability to fill in the gaps an addled brain tends to leave out. Keywords: Simpsons, Ned Flanders, bible, amusement park. Voila!

Episode 267 of The Simpsons: "I'm Goin' to Praiseland"

According to, this episode aired on May 6, 2001, spring semester my freshman year at App. State. The Holy Land Experience opened on February 5th 2001. Who can say whether the grand opening of Holy Land made a big enough splash on the world stage for it to show up on radar of The Simpsons staff, but you can't deny the coincidence.

Now playing: Bob Dylan - It Takes a Lot to Laugh, it Takes a Train to Cry
via FoxyTunes

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