Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Testing this here Firefox doo-hicky....

I'm finding myself falling more and more in love with the Firefox browser. Since Apple hasn't seen fit to update their Safari browser in ages (fine by me) I decided to move to greener pastures and invest in Firefox {insert trumpet fanfare here}. I've spent the evening downloading a plethora of add-on's, some needed, some desired and some completely worthless. My favorites are Foxy Tunes which enables me to control my iTunes from my web browser so I'm not forever switching between screens and Scribe Fire, what I'm currently using to post here.

In theory.

The benefits of this add-on remain to be seen. I love the idea, but whether it's going to work without a hitch and really is easier than logging into Blogger and blah blah blah, has yet to be tested.

Hence this post.

Powered by ScribeFire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite firefox doo-hicky is Cooliris. It lets you preview pages w/out opening them. And yes, I've finally been "Mac-ercised" and have no use whatsoever for Safari. You're starting to sound like a techie!