Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I love a day....

I do love a day where I can use the word “cattywompus” in general conversation and not have to explain myself.

Me: “You might want to tell the tow-truck driver that the Jeep is sitting cattywompus in the driveway. It's going to be a little more of a challenge to get it onto the truck than usual.”

AAA Operator: “So it's sitting crooked in the driveway. Ok, I'll put that in a note to the driver.”

I know, I could have said “crooked” in the first place, but cattywompus just seemed so much more....fitting.

In case cattywompus is not part of the vernacular where you're from, here's a visual aid, taken this morning.

If you're wondering how it came to be in that position, well, it just died. Fortunately it chose a prime piece of driveway real estate to do so. This is Miss Crazy's Jeep, btw, just for clarity. She was on her way to work this morning (Driving Miss Crazy is back to driving herself again) and b/c it's often dark when she leaves and our ditch is deep enough that should you back into it you won't be able to back out, she pulls into the side yard there on the right then pulls out of the driveway.

Except for this morning. When she went to back into the side yard and the Jeep decided she didn't want to go no mo'.

The battery, at the ripe old age of 5 months, had decided to crap out. Only that wasn't the first conclusion we came to. Since the battery was only 5 months old then, of course, it must be something else. The starter, the alternator, something Really Expensive. Naturally on top of being gorgeous, intelligent, worldly women we are Car Experts.

Yes we are.

1-800-AAA-HELP and Truitt Auto Repair. The phone numbers for each are on speed dial.

What more do we need to know?

Completely ignoring Occam's Razor, Miss Crazy took My Jeep to work and I had AAA haul Her Jeep to Doug's (he's our mechanic. I could go on and on about how stellar he is but I won't b/c he'll have his own blog post here eventually, so ingrained in our lives is he.) He called two hours later with the news that, no two ways about it, the battery was dead. Nothing more sinister than that. Being the fabulous man that he is, instead of leaving me to deal with haggling Auto Zone over a deserved replacement battery, he drove it all the way over there and did it himself.

That is some kind of service right there. I have AAA coverage, a good mechanic, a good plumber/handyman, and a good guy to mow my yard when I can't. Why do I need a boyfriend again?



Well there is that....ahem.....

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Monday, December 17, 2007

So many thoughts....

Well this is a delightful situation to be in. For once I have an over-abundance of *stuff* to blog about. Stuff I can, and will, write about in exhaustive detail. My Firefox bookmarks are crammed with links of stories I absolutely positively MUST comment on and shut-up filter be damned.

• ASU winning their 3rd National Title last weekend. It's a 3peat baby, wooooot!
• Madonna being inducted into the Rock&Roll Hall of Fame and my subsequent brain aneurysm.
• A glorious new-to-me freeware application called Journler that I am *completely* enamored with.
• How people seriously need to quit getting their panties in a twist over The Golden Compass.
• The exciting world of grading 9th grade research papers

....and SO much more!

If this news doesn't make y'all tingly with excitement, I don't know what will. I mean y'all should be practically underwhelemed with glee.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Speaking of Macs

I'd be remiss in gushing over my love of all things Apple if I didn't show this cartoon from the brilliant minds at Penny Arcade (might need to click on the picture to enlarge it)

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Monday, December 10, 2007

Me, myself and my subconscious

I drove Miss Crazy to work this morning. For the first time since her cataract surgery 2+ weeks ago she actually felt her vision was good enough to drive, but, since I had an appointment to get my hair cut at 7:45 (this was made back when it appeared I would be Driving Miss Crazy for a while), I was behind the wheel. The entire drive to school my subconscious is nagging me.

Subconscious: "Are you sure your appointment w/ Vickie is today?"

Me: "yes I'm sure"


Subconscious: "Ok, but I mean are you REALLY sure? It's a Monday and..well..."

Me: "Yes I'm sure and I remember BECAUSE it's a Monday. Because next week would be the 17th and the week after that is Christmas Eve. Perfect timing."

Subconscious: "Hey, you're the boss"

Me: "This is an appointment to Get My Hair Done. This isn't a wedding or a birthday or an anniversary or donating a kidney. This is IMPORTANT!!"

Subconscious: "Whatever you say. Whoa! STOP SIGN!! STOP SIGN!! BRAKES!!! BRAAAAAAAKES!!"

I'm proud of my mad multi-tasking skills and for arranging this appointment at 7:45 because I pull into the parking lot (after dropping Miss Crazy off) at 7:38.

I'm too busy gloating to myself to notice that the parking lot is empty. Biz-Marie is dark, no sign of life.

Subconscious: "I told..."

Me: "Shut up! I'm early! That's all."

I remember that Vickie has started taking appointments as early as 7a.m. and even if she didn't have one that early, surely the shop would be open by now. Or at least a car in the parking lot....

Subconscious: "So hotshot, wanna check that date?"

Me: "Hey, I know. Why don't you make yourself useful and remember where they serve those really awesome chicken pot pies?"

I open my checkbook and sure enough, there in big capital letters is 12/11 7:45 VICKIE

12/11. Tuesday. Of course. I now vaguely remember the knowledge that Vickie & Co. don't work Mondays. {mental head slap}

Still, the morning wasn't a complete wash. Since my Dr's office is right across the street I was able to get there early enough, without an appointment, to get her to sign a sheet telling the school system I don't have leprosy or any other communicable disease so the system won't take my name off the substitute teacher list. There's a recipe for disaster. Miss Crazy: I need you to sub. for me tomorrow. Me: Yeah...about that...

Now y'all know I talk to myself constantly and that my subconscious, more often than not, has an attitude.

Now playing: The Fratellis - Henrietta
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, December 9, 2007

So proud am I...

Yesterday, after two previous failed attempts at a state championship, the Western Alamance Warriors pulled one out. Big time. They rolled over the North Gaston Wildcats 62-36.

You would think that I would be proud of that accomplishment by my old high school. Thankful that although I graduated seven years ago, my school can now finally lay claim to a state football championship (such claims are big deals around here). That my heart bleeds blue and white,school spirit and all that. But no. Not really. I was a band geek so what little alliance I do have lies with the Western Alamance All American Brigade. Oh, and the Science Club. And the cross country team, and the softball team. But that's it.

*This* is what I'm most proud of.

Let me preface this story by saying: why oh WHY didn't I stop, right there in the crowded parking lot at Target, and take a picture?!?! That was a just gift with a big red bow on top saying "here ya go! Mock away! C'mon...you know you are just DYING to make a snarky comment!" and I failed to document it with a picture. So much lost potential!!! So you, dear readers, must settle for a mere retelling.

Late yesterday afternoon, after all the traffic had made its way back from the game in Chapel Hill, I was leaving the parking lot at Target when I saw it.

*It* was a large, black SUV. All decked out in Warrior Pride. Blue and white chalk markers had spelled out various encouragements. "Go Warriors" "Rock the house!" etc etc, ad nauseum . A navy blue and white WA flag adorned the antena, magnets shaped like football helmets decorated the sides, it was all very awe-inspiring.

But the pièce de résistance was the back window, where in big, bold, blue and white letters it read:

{wait for it...}

{this is good stuff right c'here}

"Nudor the Wildcats"

Nudor, and I'm just guessing here, must be a variant of the transitive verb "neuter", which means "to castrate". I have to give whoever wrote "nudor" some props. At least it's spelled somewhat phonetically so when reading it, one doesn't realize the grievous misspelling until his/her eyes catch up with his/her brain.

The absolute best part? The knowledge that this car had driven the entire way to Chapel Hill and back, on I-40, with "Nudor the Wildcats" so proudly displayed on the back window for all to see.

Blue & White Chalk Markers: $5
Gas to Kenan Stadium in Chapel Hill and back: $20
Being blissfully unaware that you've made WHS look like low-brow, uneducated yokels?: priceless

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Saturday, December 8, 2007

"It's big Andy..."

Today my high school alma mater, the place where I spent four years marking time until college, is playing in the 3A State football championship.

For the third time in three years. They haven't won one yet.

This time, however, they are going into Kenan Stadium ranked number one in the 3A conference and with an undefeated season.

Quite the big deal y'all.

How big is it? You're probably asking yourself (go ahead, ask yourself, 'cause this is rich..)

So big that the local newspaper is talking smack to the opposing team's hometown paper

That's right. The Times News has issued a throw down to the Gaston Gazette in which the loser must send the winner a gift basket with items native to the loser's area.

There's a lot riding on this. Blood, sweat, pride, tears, hot dogs, country ham, socks, specimen cups and dead frogs. Here's to hoping third time's the charm for the Warriors, I don't know if Burlington's economy can take the hit required to send all these goodies to Gastonia.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Excuse me while I wet myself...

According to the local news station, WFMY2

Greensboro is getting an Apple Store. A retail store for the computer company will open near the Shops at Friendly Center "early next year," said Coolidge Porterfield Jr....

{insert the sounds of heralding trumpets and singing angels}

Why is this exciting? Especially as seeing how I have *nothing* resembling a disposable income right now? Because one day, one day friends, I *will* have something resembling a disposable income once again and I will be able to make a big-ticket purchase at this Apple store that is located a mere 20 minutes from my house.

Once upon a time ago in a Past Life, when my Jeep had a few less miles on it and gas wasn't $3 a gallon, I would enjoy nothing more than driving to Durham and visiting the Streets at Southpoint and the Apple Store there. With its shiny hardwood floors and that New Mac Smell wafting around, I could happily stay there for an hour or two testing all the ins and outs of new software and hardware. But like I said, that was in another lifetime when driving 45-60 minutes for the sole purpose of window shopping at a wildly expensive electronics store wasn't a complete waste of time and gas.

For the meanwhile, I will be perfectly content with wheeling around the new, and more conveniently located, Greensboro store like the Mac fangirl that I am. Oogling the new OS, Leopard, in person as well as playing with the latest hardware Apple has to offer and consoling myself with the knowledge that even if I could buy a new computer RIGHT NOW, it would be outdated in six months. Besides, I haven't decided if I want to update with a new laptop or desktop. So it's better that I wait.


The longer I wait, the more uber cool my new computer will be.

And for the record I'm not broke, just badly bent.

Now playing: Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - The Waiting
via FoxyTunes

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Favorite Thing # 273

You've gotta love a gardenia bush that still blooms in December.

I mean, look at that. Is there anything more glorious? Too bad you can't smell it, that's where the real beauty is. Jealous yet? Yeah, you should be....


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Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Just got in from taking Mom to a Dr's appointment with her Hematologist and the news was faaaaaabulous, all things considered.

Her hemoglobin is up from 9.4 to 10.9, thanks largely in part to a shot of Erythropoietin, and her creatinine dropped from 2.2 to 1.9. While this is super duper fantastic news, the drop her in creatinine levels after the shot of erythropoietin does suggest there may be something funky with her kidney(s). A visit to a UNC nephrologist is in the works for January, whoopee!

Until then, it was another shot of erythro. (Dr. wants her hemo to be up around 11-12, ideally) and another appointment in three weeks.

Her one week follow up appointment for her cataract surgery is on Friday, fingers crossed the news is as good there as it was this afternoon at the blood Doc's.

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