Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Just got in from taking Mom to a Dr's appointment with her Hematologist and the news was faaaaaabulous, all things considered.

Her hemoglobin is up from 9.4 to 10.9, thanks largely in part to a shot of Erythropoietin, and her creatinine dropped from 2.2 to 1.9. While this is super duper fantastic news, the drop her in creatinine levels after the shot of erythropoietin does suggest there may be something funky with her kidney(s). A visit to a UNC nephrologist is in the works for January, whoopee!

Until then, it was another shot of erythro. (Dr. wants her hemo to be up around 11-12, ideally) and another appointment in three weeks.

Her one week follow up appointment for her cataract surgery is on Friday, fingers crossed the news is as good there as it was this afternoon at the blood Doc's.

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